How To Begin The Year Strong

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How To Begin The Year Strong

by Rena Canady Laster, Life Coach, Speaker, and Trainer

Rena LasterThe year has ended. I hope you devoted some time to self-reflection and self-examination. Did you examine whether you are the same person today that you were 10 years ago? Or, are you the person you want to be today? And, who do you want to be 5 or 10 years from now?

The goal in life is to constantly be growing and evolving into the person that we were created to be. We will have difficulties and obstacles; but, let’s G.R.O.W. through them as we go through them. As the year begins, let’s aim for more time to reflect and reset, as necessary, throughout the year. Let’s aim for completion and not competition. We need to only compete with ourselves and aim to be better each day than we were the day before.

I don’t know about you, but I am ever striving to be my best self, although at times I find myself reverting back to old behaviors and patterns. Why? Because living your best life requires intentionality and awareness. You’re asking, “How can I live an intentional lifestyle”? Here are a few tips and tools to help you.

1) Reflect often on who you were, are, and who you want to become. If you aren’t aware of old patterns and behaviors, it can be hard to change them.

2) Show appreciation for what you have in your life that enhances you. Rid yourself of those things that do not fulfill you and are not contributing to your best self. Ask yourself what was the intention behind your behaviors and relationships. Was your intention to show love or to seek love? Are you looking for love in the wrong places and people? What was the intention of others in their interactions with you?

3) Realize that you can only change yourself. Stop spending inordinate amounts of time trying to change the people in your life. Remember that they have a journey, just like you, and their evolution may take a lot longer.

4) Engage in self-care and be kind to yourself. Remember that “self-care is a deliberate choice to gift yourself with people, places, things, events and opportunities that recharge our personal battery and promote whole health-body mind, and spirit” says Laurie Buchanan, PhD. Don’t expect others to always make you a priority because they may not. After all, they may be working on their self-care or may just be plain selfish.

5) Set and maintain boundaries in life. Others will often ask things of you that you may not desire or be able to give. And, a boundary is only as effective as our letting others know what they are and our maintenance of them. Learn to say “No”. We are a limited resource. We cannot save everybody. We cannot give from an empty cup or a depleted source.

6. Clear the clutter in your mind, environment, and relationships. I have coined a phrase: Cut the F.A.T. from your life (foods, attitudes, things that are negative and do not promote growth, positivity and fruitfulness). Focus on things that bring peace, calm, tranquility, and self-care.

How can we G.R.O.W. through challenges? My acronym tells us to have Goals. Resources. Opportunities. Work.

1. Goals must be S.M.A.R.T. This means that we should be Specific in what we want to accomplish. Results must be Measurable. The goals must be ones that are Attainable, Realistic, and Time-Limited.

2. We must realize that resources are available to us. We don’t have to be Lone Rangers and try to do everything alone. Even the Lone Ranger had a Tonto. Coaches, books, organizations, online courses, Dr. Google, family, friends, You Tube and the experiences of others are there to develop, stretch, and teach us. Always be aware of your internal, as well as your external resources.

3. Opportunities will present themselves as obstacles sometimes. We must see the disguised lesson and use the obstacle as a stepping stone to our “next” in the journey toward self-actualization and our best self. The old adage holds truth: lemonade can be made out of lemons thrown our way. Explore your options and decide what you will do with intentionality.

4. Work is often the missing ingredient when striving to accomplish goals, whether it be to have a successful marriage, career, be a great parent or have a fruitful and productive life. We must develop a plan and intentionally work the plan.

As this new year proceeds, know that it is possible to thrive. You have survived the last year. Know that each day now is a new beginning. I congratulate and applaud you for your showing up every day last year. That’s the first step. There’s a quote that says, “Don’t wait for the storm to pass. Dance in the rain”. In 2023, I pray that you will dance, sing, pray, prosper, thrive, build and grow through whatever life brings your way! Please follow me on Facebook at Rena Canady Wiley Laster; Life Building Site on Instagram; All Things Canady on You Tube or email me at
