Middle Georgia Orthodox Missionary Baptist Association a Viable Resource for Churches

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Listen to Pastor Sylvester Freeland of St Mary’s Baptist Church in Macon’s historic Pleasant Hill neighborhood talk up the Middle Georgia Orthodox Missionary Baptist Association, and you’ll a hear a leader that’s clearly committed to it and those it serves.

Freeland recently shared details on MGOMBA worth noting. Consider the following: the organization is 119 years old (established in 1904); it’s focus is education, mission, and evangelism; and it invests heavily in teaching and training parishioners in the doctrines of the Baptist church. “I believe the association is a sounding board that provides direction to local churches,” he said.

That direction has deep roots. Reverend J.T. Saxton of Memorial Baptist Church brought MGOMBA to Central Georgia several years ago says Freeland – its current Moderator, which equates to Executive Director.

Today twenty-four churches work in tandem as a resource for churches. The organization provides services like pastoral and deacon ordinations and workshops. Working in this respect also lines up with the association’s history as one focused on education Freeland shared. Nearly 200 people including 30 youth took classes once.

The veteran pastor and Atlanta native says his mission is to evolve the association. His goal is to connect churches to MGOMBA as a Christian based resource center. “The association should be one that others look to as an example of how the church should be functioning in the 21st century,” he said. “I believe that’s what God has called the Association to be.”

This philosophy has translated into initiatives of importance. In addition to teaching and training scores of people, the Association gave out $17,000 in scholarships this past year. Each student received about $400 each. But Middle Georgia Orthodox Missionary Baptist Association didn’t stop there, also raising $4,000 for Historically Black College and Universities bound students in need of financial assistance.

Helping youth advance is a must insists Freeland and should be treated by churches as an investment in their future. “This kind of activity reflects progressiveness. Because if we’re not, there’s a whole generation of young people we stand to leave behind. We work to be that beacon of light for churches,” he said.

October 7-10 Middle Georgia Orthodox Missionary Baptist Association will host its 119th Annual Session. This includes: a Scholarship Banquet fundraiser featuring Bibb County School District Superintendent Dan Sims, a Youth Service on October 8, the official opening on October 9 featuring Reverend I.E. Mack of Unionville Missionary Baptist Church, and Freeland delivering his annual address on October 10.

The public is invited and encouraged to participate in the free four-day event Freeland says where they’ll hear him expound on MGOMBA’s motto – “To Serve the Present Age” – something he’s adamant about. “Our doors are never shut. Anyone that desires the help and resources the association provides is welcomed. We are open to all.”

For more information about the Middle Georgia Orthodox Missionary Baptist Association go to www.mgomba.org. Contact the Association concerning the October event and other matters at middlegeorgiaorthodoxba3@gmail.com. Follow MGOMBA on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
